ATV Tires For Sale in Baton Rouge, LA

Overview of ATV Tires
Your ATV is a versatile machine that can conquer a wide variety of terrains, ranging from muddy riverbeds to rocky slopes. However, choosing the right tires for the terrain is necessary to unlock the full potential of your ATV! This guide from GN Gonzales aims to answer all your questions about ATV tires, so you can select the perfect tires for your needs.
GN Gonzales is your local ATV dealer in Baton Rouge, LA. If you’re in the market for a new ATV, come shop with us today! We welcome our neighbors from Walker and beyond.

All-Terrain Tires
Let’s begin with the most fundamental kind of ATV tire: the all-terrain tire. As you might expect, all-terrain tires are designed to handle a variety of standard terrain types, such as compacted soil and turf. While they can be somewhat versatile, keep in mind that all-terrain tires will not provide optimal performance on more challenging terrain such as mud or sand.

Sand Tires
Sand tires are also known as paddle tires thanks to their distinctive paddle-shaped ridges. Of course, these tires are constructed to provide optimal traction on sandy terrain. Given that loose sand easily shifts around under the weight of an ATV, the paddle tire is designed to propel sand backward, providing both traction and forward momentum. Please note that sand tires should only be used on sand, as they could be damaged by firmer terrain.

Mud Tires
If you want to go mudding with your ATV, you are going to need a set of mud tires! Mud tires feature oversized knobs that allow them to grip large areas of uneven terrain. This gives them an advantage on soft, muddy trails, and they can also handle a little snow and slush! With their well-defined tread knobs, mud tires ensure solid and evenly distributed weight, reducing the likelihood of slipping compared to all-terrain tires.
Like sand tires, mud tires are not suitable for hard terrain, and using them in such conditions can cause damage. Stick to muddy or snowy terrains when using mud tires.
Contact Us!
If you want to learn more about the different kinds of ATV tires available, feel free to contact the team here at GN Gonzales. We are always happy to answer your questions and point you in the right direction. You can find us in Baton Rouge, LA!
GN Gonzales
Please feel free to contact us or stop in today! Call us at (225) 387-5328 or contact us below.